Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Helping Children with Down Syndrome Communicate Better: Speech and Language Skills for Ages 6-14 (Topics in Down Syndrome)
Woodbine House |
Books |
1 |
Delicate Threads: Friendships Between Children with and Without Special Needs in Inclusive Settings
Woodbine House |
Books |
1 |
Sexuality and People with Intellectual Disability
MacLennan & Petty |
Books |
1 |
Living with Down's Syndrome
Hodder Wayland |
Books |
4 |
Down Syndrome (The Facts Series)
Oxford University Press |
Books |
2 |
Down Syndrome Across the Life Span
Whurr Publishers |
Books |
1 |
Down's Syndrome (Penguin health care & fitness)
Penguin Books Ltd |
Books |
8 |
A Good Life
Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network |
Books |
4 |
People with Down Syndrome and the Law (An Australian Perspective) (Down Syndrome Issues & Information)
Down Syndrome Educational Trust |
Journals |
1 |
Spiritual Well-being of Adults with Down Syndrome (Down Syndrome Issues & Information)
Down Syndrome Educational Trust |
Journals |
1 |